Case Study: Creating an Impactful Brand Identity for New York Oncology and Hematology’s Women’s Health Center
The Challenge: When New York Oncology and Hematology embarked on their mission to establish an innovative Women’s Health Center in Albany, New York, they turned to The Foundry, trusting our expertise to bring their vision to life.
Our Approach: Believing in the power of collaboration for successful project execution, we started with an immersive two-day brand strategy workshop. The workshop united the brand leadership team with our strategy experts in a setting buzzing with creativity and teamwork. The objectives of this workshop were manifold – deriving leadership insights, establishing team unity, defining core beliefs and values, setting strategic direction, and gathering crucial information for a completely new brand.
The Outcome: The workshop resulted in our ‘brand canvas’ – a comprehensive blueprint defining goals and objectives, purpose, vision, mission, audience personas, competitor analysis, positioning strategy, brand archetype, personality, voice, and message.
Execution: Utilizing the ‘brand canvas’ as our guideline, we embarked on creating the brand story, tagline, visual brand, and brand expression. Our talented team of brand identity designers, UX/UI designers, environmental designers, developers, copywriters, SEO strategists, and social media strategists worked tirelessly to bring the brand to life.
The Result: